Polipropileno T30s

Polypropylene T30s is a specific model of polypropylene material, which is mainly used for squeezing processing methods such as flat wires. The following is a detailed summary of the polypropylene T30s: Naming meaning: T represents the processing method of the material “squeeze out flat wires”. 30 represents general uses. It…
PP, Resinas PP, Resinas PS
melting index of 1.5 ~ 2.0, packaging containers, plastic bags, plastic packaging, Polipropileno, T30S, woven bags

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Polypropylene T30s is a specific model of polypropylene material, which is mainly used for squeezing processing methods such as flat wires.

The following is a detailed summary of the polypropylene T30s:

Naming meaning: T represents the processing method of the material “squeeze out flat wires”. 30 represents general uses. It is suitable for long -term use of the surrounding temperature for 90 degrees. S represents the product melting index of 1.5 ~ 2.0.
Market supply: Polypropylene T30s are produced by many manufacturers, and the market supply is sufficient.
Price differences: There may be differences in the price of polypropylene T30s in different regions, such as the price comparison between the Zhejiang market and the Shandong market.
Main use: Polypropylene T30s is mainly used for packaging containers, plastic packaging, plastic bags, woven bags, etc.
The polypropylene T30s occupies a certain position in the market with its specific performance and extensive use. With the continuous development of the polypropylene industry, the market prospects of polypropylene T30s will also be wider.

Do you want to know what information about polypropylene T30s? Such as performance characteristics, production technology, application fields, etc.

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