Polypropylene resin PP (QP73N, QP83N)
Qilu Petrochemical QP83: polypropylene is a kind of armoplastic resin made by propylene polymerization. It is divided into three types: ISOTACTIC POLYPROPYLENE, Atactic PolyPropylene, and SyndiotActic Polypropylene. CAS: 9003-07-0 Chemical name: polypropylene Chemical formula: (C3H6) n Physical form: granules Molecular weight: 42.0804 Melving index 8.5 g/10min 2.16kg Bending modulus ≥900…
Atactic polypropylene, Isotactic polypropylene, MFI, Qilu Petrochemical, QP73N, QP83N, SyndiotActic Polypropylene.
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Qilu Petrochemical QP83: polypropylene is a kind of armoplastic resin made by propylene polymerization. It is divided into three types: ISOTACTIC POLYPROPYLENE, Atactic PolyPropylene, and SyndiotActic Polypropylene.
CAS: 9003-07-0
Chemical name: polypropylene
Chemical formula: (C3H6) n
Physical form: granules
Molecular weight: 42.0804
Melving index 8.5 g/10min 2.16kg
Bending modulus ≥900 mPa
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