Polypropylene M500026T by Zhongsha Petrochemical

Polypropylene M500026T is a specific model of polypropylene material, which is mainly produced by Zhongsha (Tianjin) petrochemical. Product characteristics: It has good compatibility and high liquidity, which can be used as a plastic flow modified auxiliary agent and parent particle carrier. Production and Application: Zhongsha (Tianjin) Petrochemical is the first…
PP, PP-Harze, PS-Harze
good compatibility, high liquidity, M500026T, Polypropylene, Zhongsha (Tianjin) petrochemical.

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Polypropylene M500026T is a specific model of polypropylene material, which is mainly produced by Zhongsha (Tianjin) petrochemical.

Product characteristics: It has good compatibility and high liquidity, which can be used as a plastic flow modified auxiliary agent and parent particle carrier.

Production and Application: Zhongsha (Tianjin) Petrochemical is the first company in China to produce the product in a polyethylene device with a scale of 300,000 tons/year. It broke the technical bottleneck and provided new impetus for the diversification of domestic technology. This product is widely used in the fields of color mother grains, injection molding and other fields.

Polypropylene M500026T occupies a certain position in the market with its excellent performance and extensive application areas. With the continuous development of the polypropylene industry, its market prospects will also be wider.

Do you also want to know what information about polypropylene M500026T? For example, chemical properties, production methods, uses, etc.

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